Saturday, October 27, 2007

{11 Weeks}

After 12 weeks I will only update monthly, doctor's appointments and major milestone achievements....this is getting hard to do with an almost three month old!

T was measured and weighed today! He weighed 15.10 ounces. That is still in above 95%. He was 25 inches (that is 2.25 inches in 20 days!) That is in the 90-95%! His head was 16 inches and that is in the 50%!

I knew by the amount of sleep and food intake he was going through a growth spurt. What I didn't expect was when I pulled out all the 3-6 month clothing he'd be too small for them! So he is now wearing 6 month clothes. I should say Carter's 6 month clothing...I've noticed they run a little smaller. I have yet to put him in other 6 month but very soon.

He is starting to nudge himself on his back in his crib. I can put him head upwards and come in and he will be sideways or have his head smashed into the headboard. He is sleeping a consistent 7 hours at night. He is NOT taking consistent legnths of naps. He cat naps all day, not what I like....He sleeps about 1/2 to a full hour and wakes up just to do it again in 1 1/2-2 hours. I'd really like 2 full it too much to ask for, I won't ask for much as I pretty much STILL have a near perfect baby!

He is cooing TONS and smiling TONS. His two favorite words...gooooo and gaaaa. I just love it!

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