Sunday, November 11, 2007

{3 Months!}

90 short days have come and gone...::::sigh:::: I can not believe he's been here 3 months. One way it seems much longer then 3 months and other times not nearly 3 months. Tanner is a healthy big boy. He doesn't have the "baby" look. Yesterday I was looking at a friends blog and she had taken pictures of a brand new baby. Looking at the baby I thought, Tanner only looked like that for a few days; maybe 5. Even at his 2 week photo shoot he didn't have the brand new baby look. Everyone looks at him now and thinks he is much older then just 3 months.

A week ago we measured him and his head was 16.5 inches and he was 26.5 inches tall. He weighs almost 16.5 pounds!!!

Length = above percentile 95
Weight = in percentile 90
Head Circumference = in percentile 50


Tanner is noticing his surroundings much more. He's noticed his hands and often "talks" to it. He is almost rolling over. He gets his whole body up but can't manage to get his last leg over...just yet.

He talks a TON and is awake more, but still sleeping tons.

He wakes up and an hour after waking up he takes another nap. Usually about an hour. He then proceeds to take 1/2 hour naps thoughout the day. About 1 in the afternoon he takes a longer nap; anywhere from 2-4 hours. Then he continues to take his little "cat naps" throughout the evening. I've started feeding him rice cereal at night. I give him 1.5 (formula) scoops of cereal to 1.5 ounces of water. I've noticed he eats better with the plastic spoon rather then the rubberized spoons. I give him this meal and then top him off with a bottle. That is usually his last meal. I put him to bed anywhere from 9-10 and he sleeps for 7 hours. He wakes up and eats an 8 ounce bottle and goes back to sleep for another 4-5 hours.

I've started putting him in the johnny jump up and put the walker together. He doesn't understand or "get" the meaning of them but sure enjoys standing upright.

I've also been forced to stop breastfeeding. My milk supply was/is great. My milk quality is not so great. For the past week Tanner has literaly projectiled his milk instantly after I've fed him. He wasn't eatting and was always hungry and so I fed him formula. He didn't throw up and so I assumed he was possibly sick and had gotten over it. Unfortanetly, as soon as I fed him the breastmilk again he projectiled. I am VERY sad (1) breastmilk is best and (2) breastmilk is FREE. We are now Costco members as Costco sells Similac for an affordable price.

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