Wednesday, October 17, 2007

{10 Weeks!}

Dare is say 2.5 months old! Where does the time go! Tanner is coming alive. Kicking and moving and smiling. He is a very happy and calm baby. It makes me happy when he wakes up and instantly smiles at me :), can't wake up any better I'd say.

Speaking of sleep, why oh why is my body CRAZY! Tanner has started sleeping 5-6 hours in a row, waking up to eat and usually 4-5 hours waking up to eat again then sleeping another hour or so...So an example would be last night....He ate his "dinner" at 10:00 I put him in his crib awake and he talked and wiggled and when I went into check on him at 10:30 he was asleep. He slept until 5:00 AM then ate what would normally be his middle-of-the-night feeding and went straight back to bed. At 8:30 he fussed and I gave him his binky, while I went to make another bottle but before I made it to the kitchen he was asleep. He woke up at about 9:15. Not bad huh. My body doesn't seem to be adjusting to extra sleep and I am MORE sleepy now then before!

I have noticed that he doesn't eat well around loud or distracting environments. He also doesn't eat as much during the morning/day time as he does in the afternoon and at night. He eats the most late and mid night.

He has found he can make some LOUD noise. He has also started a little crying and whinning louder then we are used to, but only when something is WRONG or he is ready to eat...NOW!

We haven't weighed him since his doctors appointment but....3-6 and 6 month clothing are starting to fit. I just went through his dresser and tossed the rest of 0-3 and most 3 month clothing out.

Over the weekend Tanner went on his first vacation to the ocean. By the end of this year he will be quite the experienced traveler as we have a few more trips planned!

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