Wednesday, September 5, 2007

{Baby T 4 Weeks and 1 Month Check Up!}

Doctor's appointment first:
We saw Dr. Van Fossen for Tanner's 4 Week Check Up (kind of). I actually took him in because I "thought" I heard the baby wheezing. In actuality, I am the "over worried first-time mom" the baby had a stuffy nose :).
Tanner gained 1 Pound 5 Ounces since his 2 week appt. That puts him at 10 Pounds and 12 Ounces!
His head was 14.75 Inches
Tanner also grew 1/2 an inch so that makes him 21 inches long.
Tanner is eating well, obviously! He nurses and takes a bottle about 50/50 now. He is much more happy eating from the bottle as I am sure he gets more food! He is now eating 5 ounces a bottle!
Sleeping wise, last night was amazing! Up until yesterday night Tanner was eating 4 ounces and last night I decided to bottle feed him 5 ounces and he slept 4 hours! He woke at 2AM ate another 5 ounces and stayed asleep abother 4 hours! YAY!!!
How your baby's growing: Your baby may gurgle, coo, grunt, and hum to express his feelings. A few babies also begin squealing and laughing. Be sure to coo and gurgle back, and talk to your baby face to face. He'll enjoy holding your gaze now.
If you have things to do, your baby will still enjoy hearing your voice from across the room. And don't feel silly about talking baby talk — babies are particularly attuned to this high-pitched, drawn-out way of communicating that can actually teach your baby about the structure and function of language.
• Learn more fascinating facts about your 4-week-old's development.
Your life: Mixed feelings Even when you're the happiest person on earth to be a new parent, it's common to have nagging little feelings of disappointment. Not that you want to tell anyone. But you spent nine months imagining what your baby would be like and now here he is — perhaps not exactly what you'd pictured. Parents of a baby born with a health problem are especially vulnerable to this feeling of not getting what they'd bargained for. But parents of perfectly healthy children often have such feelings, too:
• The mother of three boys who'd hoped for a little girl
• The older mom who probably won't have any more children and really wanted a little girl but got a boy instead
• The mom who expected twins at first but gave birth to a singleton after one fetus died in utero early in the pregnancy
• The mom whose baby looks like an exact clone of Daddy and not one bit like her
In all of these situations, there's a perfectly healthy baby to celebrate. And yet there's often an imaginary baby to mourn over before the real baby can be fully embraced. Rarely does anybody talk about this phenomenon, but it's perfectly normal and human. So if your joy is tinged with a little regret, don't feel too guilty. Give yourself a little space to privately grieve, and then count the blessings you do have.

1 comment:

JebandCat said...

This is the first time I had a chance to check this out. I like it. Tanner sounds like he is doing very well. Most of the people I show his picture too says he is big for his age. But then again its the photo so who knows. One thing for sure is that they can't belive how much he can do, like sitting up in his bumble and people here all agree that he is one cute baby.
One of the girls here like the photo shots that you take.

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