Friday, August 24, 2007

{Tanner's 2 Week Check-up!}

We saw Dr. Van Fossen for Tanner's 2 Week Check Up. It is official, I can grow weeds. I can't keep a darn plant alive but it seems the weeds in my garden do fine. Someone must have plucked Tanner out of my garden and placed him inside my house as he has grown so much.
I did think that he was getting HUGE until I saw another baby a few months older and was put back into real life sizes.
Tanner gained 1.3 pounds since birth (16 days) so he was 9 pounds and 7 ounces. I have no doubt he will be more then 10 pounds by early next week.
His head was 14.25 Inches
Tanner also grew 1/2 an inch so that makes him 20 1/2 inches long.
Tanner is eatting well, obviously! He nurses and takes a bottle when I have other's help, Victor, family or friends like to feed the baby too! When Tanner takes a bottle he drinks a sure 4 ounces and sometimes 5, and he can slurp it down!
Dr. Van Fossen says he's perfect, of course he is! I am happy to have this little guy around!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leslie, Just imagine... Taylinn was 9lbs 7 oz at birth. And you thought he was huge...Aunt Tammy

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